Welcome to Rachel Clayton

July 26, 2019


I’m Rachel Clayton, and I’m a blogger, fashion designer, and branding strategist. My husband (Stephen) and I currently live in Columbus, OH, and are just about to move back to my hometown—Carmel, IN! We’re both midwesterners and we are so excited to set down some roots in a city that has so much to offer. With this transition, I’m ecstatic to be launching my blog—something that I have been dreaming about for years and have spent months preparing to do. I’m so excited to share my thoughts and tips on all things fashion, beauty, travel, and shopping! Looking forward to sharing this journey with you!

A few fun facts about me:

1.) I’m an artist through and through. I see everything through a lens of visual design. Whether it’s the latest trend I’m wearing or a lovely midwest sunset, I’m always thinking about form, color, line, and space. I think nature is absolutely amazing evidence of a Master Designer—and He puts colors, shapes, and textures together so much better then I can even begin to fathom. Everything I create, including this blog, allows me to mimic my Creator and worship Him with my talents and passions. 

2.) If you haven’t already guessed, I’m a Christian. This is the core of who I am as a person. I believe that God created me with skillsets that I was meant to use for His glory. While some people may view fashion as purely superficial, I believe that it can be used to bring joy to the God that created such a beautiful world for us to enjoy. I mean, he must like beautiful visuals too, otherwise he could have made this world completely utilitarian. I digress. My heart for this blog is to create an beautiful place for self-expression that inspires women to live to whom they where created to be. All good vibes. 

3.) I married Stephen, the love of my life, when I was 22. I know—we were babies! We met in college through a case of mistaken identity and I knew very quickly he was it. I was working at a coffee shop on campus, and thought he was his identical twin whom I was acquainted with. When he told me he wasn’t his brother, I didn’t believe him. My husband loves to say that this is the only time he’s ever been “carded” at a coffee shop. I think it worked out in both of our favors, so all is well that ends well. Haha.

4.) I’m a Boilermaker (aka Purdue Grad) and I graduated from Apparel Design Technology and Entrepreneurship and Innovation in 2015. I’m SUPER right and left brain oriented, and I love to use both my creative and business side in tandem. Purdue was such a special season in my life, and I’m [for] “ever grateful, ever true.”

5.) Paris is my favorite! I’ve always joked along with Gertrude Stein and claimed that, “America is my country, and Paris is my home town.” Tussled hair, the perfect red lip, and almond croissants are my happy place. 

6.) I absolutely LOVE to travel, especially internationally. In the past few years I’ve had the pleasure of visiting Cancun, Oahu, Paris, London, Athens (and all over Greece), the Amalfi Coast, Rome, Tuscany, Florence, the Cayman Islands, and the Bahamas. On my bucket list are Jamaica, Paris (again, cause why not), Turks and Caicos, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, and Peru. 

7.) My phrase to describe pure, complete joy is “sunshine happy.” It’s that feeling you get laying on a picnic blanket in the sun, listening to an outdoor concert, and having not a care in the world. You may hear me use it once, or twice, or maybe all the time. Here’s to being “sunshine happy.” CHEERS!

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