The Language Of Florence

September 6, 2019

Florence. The city of artists. What a place to explore! Rounding out our trip to Italy, this city was absolutely breathtaking in its grand design. The Duomo, the Medici Place (the Uffizi), and the Ponte Vecchio were just a few of the medieval wonders to see. To me, it was surreal. It seemed as though I had traveled in time to a place and time still in the middle-ages–the city is so completely intact. Amazing that people still live life here in this setting.

This place felt like a second home. Even though I don’t speak much Italian, this city and I seemed to have a language of our own. Being in a city of artisans and creatives makes me feel understood in a way that is completely unique. I feel the same way in Paris or even LA. Something about using similar mediums to express the soul. What a treasure to find in our last city in Italy!

To explore the Duomo, I wore the Lolita Set from Free People. I actually picked this out specifically with the this excursion in mind. The stripes of the Cathedral had me inspired. Simple twist-front wedges, floral hoops, and a hair clip completed the look.

Our first night in the city my hubby took this picture in front of the Ponte Vecchio at sunset. We had walked to the Arno river to watch the sunset while listening to the street musicians play their string quartet. Such a dreamy experience. I’m wearing the “Love of My Life Dress,” from Free People. I finished out my look with my classic Reebok tennis shoes, coin necklaces, and floral earrings.

PS. Traveling to Florence soon and want to pick up a coin necklace or two? The Ponte Vecchio is actually where the metalworkers have traditionally sold their gold jewelry for centuries and there are many jewelry shops still located there today! If your not lucky enough to go to Italy to pick one up–that’s okay! I’ve also linked some great coin necklaces below!

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